1. How much would it cost to open one of your locations? Lower than SAR 500,000 SAR 500,000 to SAR 1 Million SAR 1 Million to SAR 1.5 Million SAR 1.5 Million and above2. What is your return on investment (%)? 0 – 10 10 – 30 30 above3. How profitable is your business? No profit Somewhat profitable Very profitable4. How do your business sales compare to those of other businesses in your industry? Lower than most About the Same Higher than most5. To what degree is your business distinctive from its competitors? Not very Somewhat Very Unique6. Who are your main target customers? All Income level Low Income to Middle Income Middle Income to High Income High Income Only7. Do you have an operating prototype? Yes No8. How systematized is your business operations (SOPs)? Not systematized Some basic policies and/or handbook Well documented Computerized9. How long would it take you to teach someone how to operate your business? Special Certification Over three months One to three months Less than one month10. Do you have an effective POS (point of sale) and Accounting system? No Basic Advanced11. Do you have a personnel policy in place? No Yes12. Do you have branding guidelines? Not yet Some branding materials Standard brand manual13. The market for your business is? Local Regional International14. The competition for your products/ services is? Zero Low Moderate High15. Where do you stand in terms of media presence/ brand recognition? None Some print and/or social media Strong online presence Both online and offline16. Is your corporate website active? Yes No17. Have you received proposals to franchise your business over the past years? No, not yet A few requests Many potential investors18. Have you received any awards/recognition? Yes, quite a few No, not so far19. How long has your business been in operation? Less than six months One year or more More than three years20. How many locations do you have? Single Unit Two or more More than three years21. Do you have a marketing team? Yes, In-house Yes, Outsourced No22. Have you registered a domain name for your business? Yes No23. Have you registered your business trademarks? Yes, Global Yes, Local No24. Who runs your daily operations? Myself I have a Manager Management team25. Are you ready for a lifelong responsibility to grow, nurture, support, guide, and be involved? Yes, can’t wait I'm ready, but need to think it over No, I am not sureComplete the form below to view your result! Name Company Email Phone Previous Post Online Quiz AR